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Roy and I went to a swingers club a few nights ago. It was one of the nights when they allow a large number of single guys to attend. After I had a few drinks, I decided to walk around alone and flirt with the hot ones.

I told Roy what I was going to do and then headed off into the club. I flirted with several of the guys and then decided I wanted to go a little further with my flirting.

I went to the locker room and removed all my clothing except for my shoes. I also left my jewelry on. I then started walking around the sex rooms flirting with the guys. Since you have to be nude while in the sex rooms, I was able to check out what they guys had hanging below.

Once I started getting turned on flirting, I decided to tell each guy that asked if they could play with me that they had to get approval from Roy. I did not tell Roy I was going to do that. I sent several guys, in fact a lot of guys, to talk to Roy about being approved.

After a bit, I walked back out into the main clothed area. But I walked out while still nude. I made a trip around the room and told each guy that flirted with me the same thing.

I watched from a distance as several of the guys walked over to Roy and started talking. I would have loved to know what was going through Roy’s mind when he had so many guys coming up to him seeking approval to fuck me.

I made my way back over to where Roy was sitting and sat down in his lap. He looked at me and said, “What did you do?” I smiled and told him that I met a lot of hot guys that wanted to fuck me and just couldn’t decide. So, I sent them to talk to him so he could choose.

I asked him if he selected one for a threesome. He smiled and said, “I told them all that they could fuck you.” My eyes got big and when I realized that my little plan kinda backfired on me. But after I thought about it for a second, I started getting some major tingles just thinking about all those guys having sex with me. So, it backfired in a good way.

Roy then told me that he sent them all to the orgy room to wait. I smiled and gave Roy a big kiss and said, “Let’s go! I guess I’m getting gangbanged tonight.”

Oh boy, did I have a good time.